Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are You Ready!?

Are you ready for the opportunity that not everybody will have? Are you ready to meet 100 great new friends, remember 100 greater memories, and take part in 100 greatest experiences? Are you ready to work as a team and beat a world record? Are you ready to wake up to the bright sun and go to sleep to the cool crisp air? Are you ready to experience a great camp then come home and share the amazing stories we will have for our friends and family?

Guiding Mosaic 2010 is an international camp that is held every 4 years. There will be over 3000 people attending from over 30 countries. 2010, is Girl Guides 100th anniversary therefore Mosaic is only one of the few celebrations that is taking place.

Back in November; I wrote an essay about what Guiding means to me for a Guiding Mosaic campership. I worked hard and spent hours on writing, editing, and revising. The hard work finally paid off. I am proud to say that I'm 1 out of the 38 girls across Canada to win a campership to Mosaic. I was overwhelmed with excitement and proud of myself. Family, friends, and leaders were proud and congratulated me. An essay campership makes me more anxious and excited then I already am for Guiding Mosaic.

I am delighted to be part of this lifetime opportunity. I cant wait for July 8th to come; when I will be on my way to an international camp that I may not be able to attend to again. I'm ready but are you?

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