Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trail Walking

*March, march, march ahead. A group of 25 of us filled up our water bottles and met at the sports marquis on the island. We were then on our way to do some trail walking.
We followed our leader through the path, down the sandy beach and then in a really grassy area.

The scenery was really nice, I took picture after picture. We climbed a steep hill and then stopped at the wild grape leaves. She talked about them and showed us the different kinds of leaves. We even saw some grapes hanging on the tree. I don’t know if I would want to eat them considering they are called wild grape leaves. She also talked about the different kinds of wild flowers that were in sight and took time explaining that we call dandelions “weeds” but to birds and small animals they are food and very important. Let’s think of that next time we go and cut down the dandelions and weeds forming in our front or backyard. In Windsor there is like literally fields of dandelions on the farm lands.

We walked a little farther and then stopped to talk about the swallow bird houses. Guelph Lake Conservation Area is full of them all around the empty fields. I don’t think there is one person that didn’t see at least in the 10 days we were there and we were probably wondering what they were for. The Swallow numbers are declining through Ontario. So the ministry of Environment has put the houses in conservation areas hoping that the birds will come back and nest. There were many boxes just where we were, and it was an open field.

She talked some more about the wildlife and nature out in the field, and then we started to head back to where we started. We stopped for a break on the beach, took the time to introduce each other and swap a few things.

Then it was time to head back to our tent. This is where we learned that the walk from the mainland to the island was only 2km and not 3km like we thought it was. We stopped at the tent and waited for our next session to start. It was a very interesting and a fun experience.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rock and Roll Diva Photos

Before the Dance

Rock and Roll Divas

There is 2500 people dancing and singing in a field in front of the stage. Disco Lights flashing, music blasting, music requests from Spice Girls to the new Katy Perry hit California Girls. If you have guessed that this entry is on the Much Music Video Dance Party, you are correct.

All of us were dressed in our decade costume ready to dance the night away. The night began with Katy Perry, the crowd was nuts. I am still trying to get myself to believe that I danced for the three hours straight without stopping even though I was very tired.
Cameras were flashing; lots of goofy pictures were taken. Then it was time to start our first dance competition. It was the Cha Cha slide. Everyone loves it, the crowd formed lines to do the cha cha. The Macarena and YMCA were also played as competitions. A few Much Music shirts were given out afterwards. Kaitlyn Renaud caught one that was thrown in the crowd.

The music request line up started on the stage all the way to the back field. That is one big line I would say. Maddie the Moose came out and hyped up the crowd some more. She posed for a few pictures then headed off. Members of the special events team went in the crowd and looked for people that were dancing up a storm. They were invited up onto the stage. Cassie went up towards the end of the night.. Despite falling up the stairs she had a good time and danced her heart out. Some of the girls said their favourite part of the night was going around making girls dance The crowd screamed to Michael Jacksons hit song thriller, the video was freaky but well worth watching.

My patrol danced and hung out with Irish girls all night. We took lots of pictures, some of them I have no idea what we were doing but those are the fun ones. We even made a few new friends while dancing. The one thing we should have ALL brought was a water bottle. I thought of it and then said no I will have too much dancing and then i will forget about it. Boy was I ever wrong. I was thirsty when the night was over and still had a 2km hike ahead of me.

The night ended with Love Story by Taylor Swift. Girls left the island smiling and hyped up from the night. Some girls were still singing the songs that were played. Most girls I could imagine had a hard time calming down and sleeping because of the nights events. We had some time to calm down because we were delayed going back to the main land, an emergency vehicle was on the mainland. This was an opportunity I would love to do again and hopefully will have a chance to at the next Guiding Mosaic.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Reality Bytes- A Gross, Difficult and Brain Power Task

Friday July 9th our special events team put on a Reality Bytes show for us. It was a neighbourhood wide competition. Contestants were picked from the audience. Each event earned points for your decade and the decade that won the most points would win the Flag of Glory to put in their neighbourhood.

The 1st event was a Girl Guide Cookie Contest. Contestants had one minute to eat as much cookies as they could out of their box.
The 2nd event of the night was rather disgusting. Contestants were given a plate of the days food all mashed together. That is including pan cakes, hotdogs, sausages, hamburgers, a couple buns, chicken, and vegetables. Phew that would taste disgusting.
The 3rd event involved consuming the most condiment packets (Ketchup, Mustard and Relish) in 5 minutes. Oh boy that would be disgusting just eating it plain like that.
Thank goodness these contestants had strong stomachs. I would never be able to handle that.
The 4th event was a giant competition with 10 girls from each decade. They had to untangle themselves from a big human knot.

The 5th event was musical body parts. Girls were spinning in two different direction in 2 different circles. When the music stopped they were to find their partner and match up two different body parts.
The 6th event was a hula-hoop competition. The winner of the competition was determined by who could spin it the longest.
The night ended with a Girl Guide Trivia. Three girls from each decade went up to the stage to play, and answered questions based on the audience.

You are probably wondering what the scores were to each of these wonderful events. Here they are:
Girl Guide Cookie Contest: 1st place: 1950’s decade; 2nd place: 1960’s; 3rd place: 1970’s.
Food Mash: 1st place: 1930s; 2nd place: 1950s; 3rd place: 1960s
Condiment Challenge: 1st place: 1920s; 2nd place: 1930’s; 3rd place: 1980s
Human Knot: 1st place: 1980s; 2nd Place: 1960s; 3rd place: 1970’s and 1950s
Musical Body Parts: 1st place: 1940s; 2nd place: 1970s; 3rd place: 1980s
Hula-Hoop Competition: 1940s and 1960s behind
Trivia: 1970s

The 1960s took home the flag of glory to put in their neighbourhood. Girls thought this event was fun and amazing. Most of by this time thought camp was getting better by the minute despite all the shuffling around we were put through that day and schedule confusion. Don’t forget the rain. Reality Bytes was a memorable event that the special events team put on for us and will remember it for years to come.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Water, water everywhere

It was hot and sunny on our first day of camp. Once we go to our campsite, we put our tents up and filled our water bottles.
All of us were hot enough we changed into our bathing suits, which led to flip flops and tank tops. Shortly after Kate brought the little kiddie pools out and filled them with water. We stuck our feet in to cool us off it was so refreshing. Brianne was having fun spraying her and others with a spray bottle. That felt refreshing too.

Our patrol leader let us have her sponges that she brought. The water in those kiddie pools didn’t last long. Each of grabbed a sponge and soaked someone with it. A few campers from other camp sites joined us. We took turns getting water. Thankfully the water tap was not far from our site. We played this for quite some time.

It was time to go down to get our swim test, because the ones that were supposed to be recorded in iMis apparently weren’t. The walk was long in flip flops but boy did the 50m swim that we did get feel really good. It would have felt even better if the water was a little colder than it was. We filled our water bottles a few times on the way back. Basically every tap that we came across we filled our water bottles.

Some of us took advantage of the free time we were given and worked on their tan. I do have to say after 10 days in being in the sun; I have got a better tan than I had before I went to camp. What are 2 more weeks going to do?

It wasn’t only the first day that we got to have water fights and swimming. The waterfront team allowed free swims on hot days after our sessions on the island. When the conservation area closed the beach because the bacteria was high in the water, they took us to another beach somewhere in Guelph but a leader had to go with you. In that case the whole patrol might as well go. If you were lucky your out trip was to Wasaga Beach. It would cool you off, and refresh you since you didn’t get to shower every day.

My patrol didn’t use the solar showers, we decided that we would wash our hair in buckets for the fun of it or you did what I did the first time and washed it under the tap like everyone else was doing. I had a minor brain freeze afterwards because the water was cold. But again, it was refreshing to the point you wanted to do it again.

You can say that the water adventures came about quite a bit at camp. Whether or not it was water fights, swim tests, washing your hair or going to the beach.

Rainy Days Please Go Away

** Rain rain go away come again another day**

There’s nothing like camping in the rain. That’s why we had to make sure everything was waterproofed and nothing was on the sides before we left the tent in the morning. It is a pain in the butt but it keeps your stuff dry. The first morning we woke up to puddles in our tent because there was so much rain the fly didn’t hold it. Sleeping bags and pillows were wet. Oh what a joy! Before we went to the island that morning we put the tarp on so we wouldn’t have to deal with this problem again.

We all walked in the rain, miserable wondering what we were going to do on the island in the rain. Friday we were ushered under the marquis to sing songs and then go do the programs that weren’t cancelled in the rain. Most of us were soaked and began to get muddy by that point. Lunch time the rain finally stopped but it got very humid out. When we went back to our tent there was one little puddle by the door. No big deal. The sun came out after a bit, just in time for the special event Reality Bytes.

Saturday there was rain. Sunday made up for it. In the middle of session 3 it starts storming and not just drizzling down pouring once again. There were crowds of people under the shelters and some were still doing sessions in the shelters. My group travelled over to the wooden shelter where we found most of the Windsor patrols. This was the perfect time to do some swapping, and that’s what most of us did. In a matter of about half hour I got rid of about half a bag of swaps because there was nothing else to do. We were stuck under the shelter for quite awhile. However, most of were now fed up with rain and didn’t want to see it for awhile.

We learned to become friends with it.... it rained Monday; it rained for our eco-day on Tuesday. Thank god for rain gear. Oh yeah, that’s if we remembered to bring it. By the time Thursday hit we were tired of the rain. It held off until dinner time. International night was held in the dining marquis so we were caught in the storm. All of stayed dry, we listened to the international event if we could, with all the talking and noise from the rain. The marquis soon turned into a mud puddle. The top leaked, and made it muddier than it already was. So when the night was over, we walked carefully not to sink in the mud. When we got back to our tent the rain stopped for a little bit, i ended up waking up to it in the middle of the night. Friday it was a clear day with a breeze but still humid at times. I think all of us were glad to see the sun and for the sun to stay out.

We can say that there was quite a bit of rain at GM. But, we all made the best of it. Some of us even danced in it when we had the chance. We have to remember when we are in Girl Guides: the show still goes on in the rain. What did you think of the rain?

This photo was taken uinder the shelter. This shows you how hard it rained somedays.